"Chinese style custom" - SP Chinese newspaper to shake the social infrastructure where the Chinese rule passes only in China

On October 19, 2012, the Singaporean Chinese newspaper, alliance early report places the article titled "the Chinese style X X". I pointed out that a bad custom peculiar to China and an unreasonable act would shake a Chinese social infrastructure soon.
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In the Chinese road, great liberation is right in a state. The walker crosses the road in a favorite place, and seat belts do not do it in a taxi either. The car turns at the crossing without permission and makes a U-turn unconcernedly anywhere. I am available in nature and the body such the "Chinese style road crossing" (I cross it regardless of a signal anywhere) act that "I step over the Chinese style fence and have not experienced in the country except China including the" (I step over the guardrail) "Chinese style subway rider" (I get on a crowded vehicle more) "Chinese style taxi end" (I scramble for a taxi) "Chinese style line" (I just stick to the former person so that it is not interrupted and line up) when I live a long-term life in China.
It is not possible for the immediate answer whether or it is not possible for a right judgment by the mass psychology whether this is the skill that social environment can make, but a general factor hides behind such a phenomenon. Because I built the thoughtless, wide road when I build the city with the big thing, I have a too short time of the green light and cannot cross it, and there are environment and vagueness of the consciousness about the rule and is a thing to have to wait for the level improvement that one citizen is alone with the small thing.
Even if the act of the one is punished, I am not punished if I do it together. I am not fierce if I perform anything in a group. From such a psychology, it became common in China to perform everything in a group, and it has become "the rule of the group" all too soon. Then it is not possible for a judgment what is normal, and what is abnormal what is the rule observance, and what is rule violation.
There is "the Chinese style" related to the Chinese conditions of a country and characteristic including "a Chinese style reception" and "the Chinese style corruption" a lot. There is the interesting thing for a foreigner, but there is the thing which I can never understand. About an act of the many immorality that such a "Chinese style" brought about, the Chinese deceived it by the word, "land was large, and a thing was rich, and there were many human beings" until now. However, this "Chinese style" leads to shaking a social infrastructure. Therefore, it is necessary I take time, and to improve "Chinese style", but there is "the Chinese style" that you must improve right now.
